Thursday, 3 July 2014

MANICURE and PEDICURE ... DIY (time and money saver ) using same tool kit..

HELLO again ....
In this blog i will be showing you how to do manicure and pedicure using the same tool kit i reviewed in my last blog ... ( do read it before this tutorial here is the link ... MANICURE & PEDICURE TOOL KIT REVIEW LINK)
whenever i find my hand dull and dirty and follow these simple steps with this kit and i am going to describe the same one .... then Why go to the salon when you can give yourself a perfect manicure and pedicure at home? . Lets learn how to transform your naughty nails into fabulous one.

                            STEPS for MANICURE:


Gather all your supplies required for manicure 
1.Nail polish remover
2. Cotton 
3. Any moisturising cream
4. bowl of warm water.
5. nail polish ( optional )

From tool kit 
:1. Cuticle Pusher

2. Cuticle Remover

3. Four Step Buffing tool

4. Hand Nail clipper (commonly called nail cutter)

5. Metal nail filer

6. Scrubbing brush.


Remove any previous nail polish from your nails if any. Don't rub your nail too much with nail polish remover it damages and dries nail.


Cut your nails if you think they have an extra length with nail clipper( nail cutter). be careful while cutting your nails to not to damage its shape if you want it afterwards. 


Shape your nails in your desired shape with metal nail filer . Remember always file your nails in one direction . and never file your nails after soaking your hands in warm water and even after taking bath because it soften your nails and filing may results in breakage.


Soak your hands in warm water and add little bit of moisturising cream in it .i don't prefer adding soap or hand wash as it dries my hands and cuticles. soak it for 5 to 8 min. Take your hands out and clean it with towel.


Push your cuticles with cuticle pusher to loosen them.( cuticles are dead skin around your nails ) 


Carefully remove your Cuticles with cuticles remover 
Make sure that your cuticles are soft enough to be pushed or removed . if yes then follow this step otherwise repeat step 5 before step 6 and 7...


Well this is my Favourite part. using 4 steps buffer on your nails. start with .
  • begin to buff your nails with a gentle, side-to-side motion. 
  • Move to the next roughest setting, and repeat with gentle side to side motion, again working to smooth out the nail.
  • Repeat with the third side of the buffer . named as BUFF,Do not over do it.
  • With the last (smoothest) part of the buffer, this is where you really get to work, polishing your nails until they look like shiny enough as u have just applied a clear coat on your nail
These steps are suppose to be done on the surface of the nails. I sometimes only wash my hands and do this buffing part . it individually works good too.


apply soap on your hand and scrub it on your whole hands with scrubbing brush softly then dry it with towel

STEP 10:

Apply Any Moisturising cream or hand lotion on your hands . Apply nail colour of your choice if you want to. 

And in this way you can easily have beautiful and healthy looking hands :)

                               NOW PEDICURE STEPS:


Gather all your supplies required for manicure 
1.Nail polish remover
2. Cotton 
3. Any moisturising cream
4. tub/ bucket of warm water.
5. nail polish ( optional )
6. Salt 2 tablespoon

From tool kit:

1. Cuticle Pusher

2. Cuticle Remover

3. Four Step Buffing tool

4. Foot Nail clipper (commonly called nail cutter)

6. Metal nail failure

7. Toe Separator

8. Scrubbing Brush

9. Pumice Stone

10. Metal scrubber
11. Orange stick (wooden stick) (optional)


Remove any previously applied nail polish.


Cut your toe nail if they have an extra length.


File your nails. ( if you don't have my kind of nails ... i have awful toe nails do not grow up straight :P there fore i can not file them i just can cut them )


Add 2 table spoon of salt in warm water and soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes sit back and relax because you need to soften your heel and foot ball dead skin too not only cuticles that's why soak it unless you feel those skin soft enough to be removed.


Wear your toe separator. it will make further steps easier to do .( optional )


Prepare your cuticles by pushing them with cuticle pusher.if they are hard then use orange stick flat part ( wooden stick)


Remove excess cuticle with cuticle remover.


use pumice stone on your heel and rub it hard to to scrub the dead skin from your heel and ball of your feet.You can scrub pretty roughly in these areas, because the skin is often very thick and dulled to pain. 

STEP 10:

if you have very much hard skin then after pumice stone scrub metal scrubber lightly . other wise you can skin this step.. and if you have soft skin and not very much dead eels you can use any one of them ( pumice stone or metal scrubber )

STEP 12:

Wash your feet , using scrubbing brush with soap on your entire feet and between toes.

STEP 13:

Remove your feet from the soaking tub completely and empty it out. now use 4 way buffer same as mentioned above ( in manicure STEP 8 ) . and apply moisturizing cream or foot scrub on your feet .

STEP 14:

Apply nail colour if you want :)

This is it for this DIY i hope u like it ... so go and have a manicure and pedicure by your self  :) 
and save you time and money 
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